How to Increase Turnover Rate for 75gal


I have a drilled 75 with the corner overflow that I am wanting to convert from a FOWLR to a reef. Researching what the experts here have to say, I need to up the flow rate in my tank before i can start keeping corals. Right now my return pump is a mag 7. I've read that I should have 15 to 20 times turnover per hr. So my question is what is the best way to do this? Is it a good idea to just replace the mag 7 with somthing faster? My guess was to do a closed loop but I'm kind of weary about drilling the glass. I'm planning a 180 or 210 right now so everything will be transferred to that while I convert my 75. So if I have too, I can drill it without water in it.
What are your thoughts? Would a closed loop be more beneficial? I don't really want to use powerheads because I like not being able to see any equipment in the tank.
Any info would be appreciated!! Thanks in advance


Active Member
You may know that you can not increase the return into the tank any more than what the overflow box and drain pipe can handle...
A 1 inch ID drain can only safely handle 600 gph.
So, you can add another drain and bigger pump but that means the sump and will also have to handle the higher flow also.
A closed loop will work too. You can do one with every thing over the top and want need to drill........


ah I didn't think about the overflow not being able to drain as fast as the pump returned. As you can see, I'm no plumber. lol. How would I go over the top? Does anyone have any pics of an over the top closed loop so I could get an idea of how to plumb it?


Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm trying to stay away from powerheads if I can. I'd rather not have any visable cords or equipment in the DT if at all possible. I know it would be easier to stick a few ph's in there but for my personal veiwing pleasure, I don't mind going the extra mile.


Active Member
Some LFS will carry the black U tubeing and parts for over the top or search on line aquarium stores that carry plumbing stuff. Some people just use PVC fittings from home stores but should still need strainers on the out flow and some kind of spout/nozzle fitting for the returns.
The pump sits outside and plumb everything up the back, over the top and back down into the water.


You can use powerheads by hiding them under rocks and use plastic tube to direct the water flow between the rocks.


Thanks very much for all the replies. It looks like the best option is going to be a closed loop over the top with a quiet one 4000 high head pump.
Would there be any advantage going with pvc over vinyl tubing?


Active Member
Originally Posted by hooktonfsh
Would there be any advantage going with pvc over vinyl tubing?
Mine is all 3/4 vinyl tubing. It helps keep vibration from the pump going thru all the pipeing. You can use all PVC but use a short pcs. of vinyl to connect to the pump.
One downside to all vinyl is that if light shines on it then algea can grow in it. I wrapped mine with pipe insulation to stop light and temp transfer.


Squidd, thanks for the pics. It's amazing how much you can learn from jsut a pic.
Dogstar, that's a very good point. I'll probably go that route. Plus, it'll be easeier to route it down to my stand.
Thanks again for your help everyone!