How to introduce the mantis SHRIMP????



I was wonderin why theres so bad. I've never seen one so i dont know why!


Active Member
they can and do often destroy just about anything, but if you want one, they can make a very interesting species tank
there are 2 basic types, one with club likeclaws and another with

like, both can break glass too
if youwant one, you can get them online, or watch the board, there is often members who have just caught one that would be more than willing to give it up, however iw ould not add one to my main tank, not ever
in fact, now that i think about it, we do have a member here tonite, that just caught one, don't know how far you are from them or if they would ship, but i think the thread was called finally go it, mantis or something like that, you could ask, if you want one
EDITED: Caught that darn mantis!! WAS THE NAME OF THE POST


i am kinda far away i dont know how it would ship to b.c. but i still have that mantis if anyone wants him i do kinda feel bad to just flush him. my lfs dont want him.


New Member
Im intrested in your mantis shrimp and would love to have him, if your serious about getting rid of it email me at


New Member
mantis shrimp usually get in your tank through live rock. they will eat anything it can. Their claws can move faster than a .22 caliber bullet. busting any shells rocks and even the glass of your tank. Ive seen them crack shells of conch, and catch a damsel swimming by. i think they are intresting to watch. send them my way if you want to get rid of them