How To Keep Fish In The Tank?


I have now lost 2 Rose Gobies and am looking for suggestions for tank covering. I had them one at a time in a Quarunteen Tank and have managed to lose them both. I now have a cover for this tank, but the cover I am using will not look good on my show tank which is a standard 20gal with a hood. Thanks for any suggestions.


egg crate i got at home depot for like $2 for a big sheet


oh and make sure you get the white and not the silver plated ... that stuff will bake and peel off into your tank... thats not good :nope:


Thank you for your quick reply, I had that on the QT when the second one jumped out, either they are all very good shots or mine was a sniper because a week after putting it over my tank he was fish jerky. Also, after a while the stuff tends to bow a little. Sorry, don't want to sound like I am criticizing, just relating my experience. Also I glued some fiberglass screen on top after the second one jumped.


hmmm.. thats too bad you had some fish with good aim...
maybe a glass top is needed ... just have to clean them a lot
thanks for the info... mine is bow'd just a bit but i cut it so it snaps into the tank


Active Member
Home Depot has fiberglass screening for porches, cut some of that and secure it to keep smaller fish in./


Active Member
glass hoods will keep you fish from getting out will also slow down the evaperation in your tank.but if you have external filter system you will find thatthe salt sometimes makes a mess


You can buy lexan plexiglass at Home Depot also which u can cut to perfect shape easily, but it too bows a little wen the lights are right on top. If you raise the lights up a little, itll probably be good. Lexan is like $24.99 for a 4 foot by 2 foot sheet, so i think the 2 by 2 sheets are a little less expensive...


Have you ever thought you might have a fish mafia in your tank sending the supposed jumper to “sleep with the humans!”?


:thinking: "The fish Mafia?" Unless my fish have multiple personalities I doubt it as they were in a quarunteen tank (is that how your spell it?) The only issue with covering the top is I am worried about cutting off the gas exchange. Any thoughts on this?


New Member
If you sit your fish down and tell them about the dangers of jumping out and that it`s a gateway drug now, they might not jump when the other fish try to peer pressure them into it.
j/k in all seriousness Ive always used egg crate and to stop it from bowing I cut it into smaller sections or run a very thin hard plastic rod and divide the piece into thirds. Its hard to explain Ill take a picture. I basically just re-inforced the egg crate because I get super anal about stuff not looking right. The plexiglass or glass idea is probably your best bet in the long run though.


I don't think you will like the results of plexiglas. It will bow over time. I have a 1/2 in sheet of solid acrylic (stronger than the cheap stuff at Home Depot) on my sump tank. It has probably bowed at least a half inch in the middle (sits on a 10 gal opening). That bowing is just from the water heat. I would never put it under lights.


mlandrigan I agree. I made my sump out of high end acrylic and I had to run some all thread through it with a nut and washer in each end for fear that it would eventually compromise the corners. I think glass is the only real option, or a nice tight canopy. But I am still open to suggestions.


all gobies are jumping pains in the ass!!! I hve not yet successfully kept one in the tank and have been through the egg crate phase as well. your best bet is a glass top and make sure there are NO HOLES!!! They will find yhem.:happyfish +:jumping: =:mad: