How to keep folks from tappin' on the tank


Active Member
Post a sign saying Anyone seen tapping on the glass will be subject to a proctological exam. :scared:


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Drakken
Maybe he has been indulging in "plant life".


At least I am not smoking it.:jumping:

bean 3

New Member
you guys are great. Thanks for all the advice and some laughs. No I'm not a psychiatrist, I practice Family Medicine!
Thanks Bean

bean 3

New Member
Bean 1 is my home computer, Bean 2 is my office computer and Bean 3 is my hospital computer. I wish I could incorporate all 3 in 1 but I'm computer illiterate. About all I can do is turn the computer on, get on the internet, and play the occasional game that one of my kids download.
Thanks Bean1/2/3


Active Member
OK, I was was worried you were going to think WE were all nuts, but I think you'll fit RIGHT in.
(split personality:thinking: )
You don't need to wear yourself out with all those names. As long as you log in wherever you are under your name and password, the site will know you.
Maybe start over with Bean123 ? :)
welcome to world of nuttiness. Post pics of your tank when you can, we LOVE pics. :yes:


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by Bean 3
Bean 1 is my home computer, Bean 2 is my office computer and Bean 3 is my hospital computer. I wish I could incorporate all 3 in 1 but I'm computer illiterate. About all I can do is turn the computer on, get on the internet, and play the occasional game that one of my kids download.
Thanks Bean1/2/3

I use this from various computers. Just log in. And you do have to remember your password.


Active Member
That is the hard part remembering the password... :thinking: . If you forget it they change it to a bunch of numbers.
Hmm.. family practice
How about "If you tap you go for a swim"


Whenever I used to catch my roommates tapping on the glass I'd wait till they went to bed and then I would spend 15-20 minutes sporadically pounding on the walls.
that learned them pretty quick.



Originally posted by anglachel
Whenever I used to catch my roommates tapping on the glass I'd wait till they went to bed and then I would spend 15-20 minutes sporadically pounding on the walls.
that learned them pretty quick.



Well how about this. If you see them tapping on the glass......without them knowing you saw them. When they come into you're office......spend about ten seconds just tapping on thier foreheads. When they ask what you're doing you can tell them "I am showing what the fish deal with when you tap on the glass"