Bought both Peppermint Shrimp and CBB for an aiptasia luck with either. The shrimp are focusing on algae...the CBB keeps poking around my live rock. The aiptasia isn't even hiding.
Originally Posted by Jacklax
Bought both Peppermint Shrimp and CBB for an aiptasia luck with either. The shrimp are focusing on algae...the CBB keeps poking around my live rock. The aiptasia isn't even hiding.
Hey Jack, I hear there are some really nice fish store in Atlanta. Someone said there was one near Southlake. I've heard several things about a fish store called Fish Store and More. Have you been there? I was wondering if it was worth driving up to check out. I think they may also have a website but I like being able to see certain things before I buy them either at the store or the net.
Hey MRDC - I'm very new, so I haven't visited everywhere yet. The Fish Store is located in comes highly recommended from a few friends. I haven't been yet, so I can't personally say. Where would you be coming from?
That's not all that far...just watch out...Buckhead isn't what it used to be. I wouldn't go after dark...Ray Lewis could be back in town. I'm on the northern side of town...
I didn't go to many places in Atlanta at night near downtown. Sorry to hear Buckhead isn't what it used to be. I used to enjoy hanging out there but that was 10 years ago.
I will be in Atlanta soon for work and I will check out that store.
Same days of that are long gone. Please let me know how the store is. I won't be venturing that way for a while...have a baby due very soon. Take care!
So, I got a pepperment shrimp last weekend, and for 5 days (as far as I could tell) he did nothing but hide in a big hole in the back of some LR. I was about to hand him his pink slip when, the night before last, I noticed some movement under my luner's...and...BAM...the little dude was wolfing down the last little bits of that nasty aiptasia. Sweet. He has now earned his place among the ranks of useful reef critters!