How to know if my clowns are MATES?


I've had 2 clowns in my tank for about 18 monthes and I hear people say that their clowns are paired. Well how do I know if mine are?? I mean they hang out together but they do swim on their own once in a while. How do you know???


Active Member
Are they different sizes? If they are the same size and you have had them 18 months, THEY are NOT paired! The female will be almost twice the size as the male.


no they do not touch each other at night because one sleeps in the back corner (vertically) and the other sleeps in the front corner (vertically, both on the left side of the tank though). I got them both at the same time and one is a little bit bigger then the other but not a whole lot.


Active Member
well i wasn't serious about what i said
if they hang out together and don't not generally appear hostile toward one another.