I'm not trying to hijack your thread but I have a kh/ca/ph question and maybe an answer to mine and yours will help one another. Simply I thought a proper ph is balanced by a normal ca and kh. I have a reef tank so I am trying to get my ca up. My kh is 8, ca is 390 and ph is 7.97. I need to get the ph up or get a new tester to make sure mine is testing right. I've been dosing with seachems calcium for about a week or so and it has moved my ca up and kh down and my ph up. Do I keep adding the calcium until my kh gets border line and then start adding alkalinity and go back and forth until I get them both in the right range? Would that stabalize my ph also? I have not used any ph buffer and my ammonia, trates, trites, phates, temps, ... have tested normal.