How to lower ph quickly?


How can I lower my ph quickly.I added a little to much ph buffer and now it is too high.Aside from throwing out the water and starting again is there anything I can do to bring it down?

yosemite sam

Active Member
Changing water parameters quickly can make a situation worse, so first tell us what you did, and what the PH actually is.


I was making some new tank water for a small water change.I had it mixing for 24hrs.I checked the ph and it was low 7.8. So I added some Proper Ph 8.2.I guess I addec too much,duh.It now reads 8.8!So how do I lower this reading or is it best to start over.The water is at a sg of 1.009.It is for a qt tank.

yosemite sam

Active Member
It's probably better to start over. In the future, do the water change, and then figure out if you need to dose anything. What are the alkalinity, ca and mg in the mixed water?


Active Member
there are 2 ways that i kmnow of to lower is to directly inject co2 .. with something like a plant co2 reactor and thw other is to buy those carbonated water and pour it in... ( i think likew those selzer waters)
sidenote.. you will do the opposite if ph is low.. you will need to introduce more o2 and rid of co2... open a window,door, plumb you skimmer air intake to outdoor air....


You could have just added more RO and salt mix and let it mix for another day. It was not in the tank yet right?


White vinegar would have worked nicely,producing an end product of mostly water saving yourself dumping it out.


Active Member
happen to have any readings or links to this info??? i only know f using vinegar to increase kalkwasser potency by allowing more kalk to dissolve into the water... and to percipitate out phosphate with the help of a simmer....