how to move a tank


anyone have any easy ideas on how i could move my 55 gallon tank over to the side about 15 to 20 inches????
i want to put a tank on the right side of it and i need more room....


Active Member
Very carefully:D Ill be doing the same very soon.....your going to have to remove as much stuff as possible i presume.


Active Member
Drain your water into buckets and then move the tank when it's light enough.


Active Member

Originally posted by Clown-Lover
would you suggest removing the LR and corals?
i'm so not looking forward to this:nervous:

That can depend on the sturdyness of your stand. If your stand supports are angle iron or 2x4 lumber, you can probably get away with leaving the rock in. If your stand is one of those fiberboard constructions, it may not be stiff enough, and will cause your tank stress with any weight in it.
Unless the rock is all epoxied together, I'd remove it to be safe anyway.


Active Member
Remove as much as you can. Take out your fish and put them in a bucket with the water. If your rocks are stacked, unstack them so that they are lying flat on the base of the tank. You don't want anything falling and breaking the glass. Drain the water down as much as you can to make it lighter, leave in the rocks (if they're not too heavy, or else put them in buckets also).
It's not really that difficult, just time consuming. You'll spend a good part of a day doing it. Taking your fish out and putting them in a bucket will stress them less. If you leave them in the tank, the sloshing water will stir up debris and get in their gills and cut them.
You want to have...--->:happyfish