How to move LR with softcorals attached to a new tank??

Ok i need to move my LR from my 30 gallon to my 125 gallon.But the problem is,i have mushrooms and xenia and zoas that are attached to the rock and i dont know what to please help.


Active Member
If it is a local move just to a larger tank at the same location.?? Also is the 130 already cycled etc??
If so be sure water in the new and old are at the same temperature , salinity and PH.
The described corals are all pretty hardy and should do fine. Just remember the normal cautions with handling Zoa's if pulling them off of rocks or close contact is necessary..The mushrooms and Zoa's even with tearing apart fron rock to rock if this happens will not hurt them. The Xinia pretty much the same , it is a hardier cridder for most people.They will re-grow and spread. with a little time. Keep air exposure to a minimun between tanks and you should do fine.
If moving to the larger tank involves adding other rocks to the larger tank be sure it is totally cycled first before transfering the others cridders to the tank........
Im not new to the hobby so i know i have to let the tank cycle before i add the other cridders.but thanx for the advice,im sure it will come in not transfering the things for a while.


Originally Posted by Fish Freak2012
Im not new to the hobby so i know i have to let the tank cycle before i add the other cridders.but thanx for the advice,im sure it will come in not transfering the things for a while.

No offense but why did you ask this question then?


I had to do a move like this about a year ago and what i did was took 50% of my water in the old tank and added it to the new tank I moved everything that night with no ill effects. I just left everything attached to the LR you woun't really have a new cycle if you use a good chunk of your other tanks water plus its LR.
well we filled the tank with RO water and the sump to. so the entire tank is full.i gess we will just have to wait for the tank to cycle and match all the params of the other tank.