How to move with an eel



I am moving to Massachusettes.-
I am a little unsure as to whether I will be staying there a while or coming back.-
I am putting most of my belongings into storage here until I decide to have them moved or come back.
At first, I was putting all of my tanks into storage and have placed all of my fish and coral in preparation except for a really small snowflake eel that I haven't been able to catch.-
I realize that I will go nuts without a tank so I am packing the only tank that I have that I can fit into my vehicle which is a 30 gallon.
I have sorted through my live rock and picked out the best pieces (the rest is already sold).- I am going to pack some coolers with water and the rock.-
How is the best way to move my snowflake?-
Would it be better to go ahead and take him to the lfs and restock the tank we get there and get all set up?-
We will be on the road about 20 hours altogether.-
I am a bit attached to this sfe as he was in horrible shape when I first got him so as much as I'd like to keep him, I don't want him to suffer.
Suggestions, first hand experience, input?


Active Member
i moved my 90 gallon lr 5 fish and my snowflake eel from buffalo to fort worth 24 hr drive.i put the tank on the end of the uhaul left half the water in it .we stopped every 4 or 5 hours then i plugged the cord in at rest stops and even a restaraunt for half an hour at a time all made it safe.
If you can get a AC-DC adapter you can plug the filter in during stops right from the car itself. You can even keep a filter going while you are going if you have it setup right.


i wouldnt move my tank with water in it ... stresses the seams too much
buy some rubbermaid containers put your water and rock in that. then buy a seperate rubber maid container for the eel put em in that and float it in the rubber maid with the rock / water
the bigger body of water will help keep the temp normal longer and the seperate container keeps em safe from the rock / jumping / escaping
you can use a bucket to dip into the rubber maid to get the water out and transport it to where ever the tank is once you arrive
i just moved from MI to OH like this and everything worked out .


Active Member
Rubbermaid tub (as advised). No LR with your eel or at least seperated by egg crates so the rock doesn't roll/collapse and crush your eel.
Buy a battery operated air pump, and dependig on temp either a battery operated heater or heat packs / or ice packs or frozen SW ice cubes in a cooler than can be added slowly over time to keep water from getting too hot.
Keep in shade and have some water in a sep container just in case you have to do a water change, but if the eel is small ammonia and such should not be too much of a problem.
And finally don't feed him at least 1 week before the move. Cuts down on waste and change of regurgitation (sp).