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I'm possibly getting a 55g Reef Ready and wondering how to keep algae out of the main tank. I understand that there is good algae and bad algae, but I have a mother that freaks at any sign of algae in the DT. If I do the sump thing and just have live rock in there, will algae spread to the main tank? I have dried out rock I plan on using in the DT and don't plan on adding live rock to it. That with low lighting I'm hoping will keep algae out.
Would this work? Would adding a UV Sterilizer to the sump help?
Algae is good, you need to stop thinking of it as a problem. Every book I have read on aquariums warn against the need to "sterilize" the tank. The 40 year old tank guy says the same. algae where you want it is GOOD!
I also have algae only where I want it. On the back wall and sides of the glass. It is food for my Tangs to graze on, and when it is eat down too low I give them algae sheets until it can re-grow.
The sails, crabs, tangs, blenny and even my clowns love to graze on the sides and back. I am not talking hair algae, there is no cyano bacteria growing. It is not a slimy green algae...Here is a picture of the back of the tank...there is coralline algae mixed in as well. I suspect some day the coralline will overgrow it all. Then I willl have to do something like wha the 40 years old tank guy does (LOL..I need to find a shorter way to explan that guy) . But for now...