How to prevent any type of algae???

I'm possibly getting a 55g Reef Ready and wondering how to keep algae out of the main tank. I understand that there is good algae and bad algae, but I have a mother that freaks at any sign of algae in the DT. If I do the sump thing and just have live rock in there, will algae spread to the main tank? I have dried out rock I plan on using in the DT and don't plan on adding live rock to it. That with low lighting I'm hoping will keep algae out.
Would this work? Would adding a UV Sterilizer to the sump help?


Algae happens. A fuge will allow algae grow where you want it to. There is no end all be all for the problem. The ocean has it so it would be unnatural if it didnt happen.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
I'm possibly getting a 55g Reef Ready and wondering how to keep algae out of the main tank. I understand that there is good algae and bad algae, but I have a mother that freaks at any sign of algae in the DT. If I do the sump thing and just have live rock in there, will algae spread to the main tank? I have dried out rock I plan on using in the DT and don't plan on adding live rock to it. That with low lighting I'm hoping will keep algae out.
Would this work? Would adding a UV Sterilizer to the sump help?

Algae is good, you need to stop thinking of it as a problem. Every book I have read on aquariums warn against the need to "sterilize" the tank. The 40 year old tank guy says the same. algae where you want it is GOOD!
I also have algae only where I want it. On the back wall and sides of the glass. It is food for my Tangs to graze on, and when it is eat down too low I give them algae sheets until it can re-grow.
The sails, crabs, tangs, blenny and even my clowns love to graze on the sides and back. I am not talking hair algae, there is no cyano bacteria growing. It is not a slimy green algae...Here is a picture of the back of the tank...there is coralline algae mixed in as well. I suspect some day the coralline will overgrow it all. Then I willl have to do something like wha the 40 years old tank guy does (LOL..I need to find a shorter way to explan that guy) . But for now...


Well-Known Member
Alright, be it in an ideal world, this is what it would look like:
An aquarium lit up with bright lights with new bulbs that will always keep the same spectrum. Fish that don't eat anything but what they find in the tanks. An amazingly large clean up crew that lives regardless of what the tanks conditions are. A filtration system for the Aquarium of the americas tanks that will fit on your 20g long. oh, and pure sterilized 100% RO/DI water with 0ppm.
In other words - algae happens.
The best ways to prevent algae are:
1. replace your lights after half of the life of the bulb is gone to prevent yellowing.
2. do not place your aquarium around windows or doors that let natural sunlight to filter in.
3. Feed your fish only as much as they can eat within 1 minute (some say 2) I feed a little at a time and if they start loosing interest, then I stop.
4. make sure your top off water is 0ppm for nitrate and phosphate.
5. have an adequate clean up crew including a herbivorous fish.
6. make sure there are no dead spots in the aquarium by maintaining a minimum 10x turnover rate in the aquarium.
7. replace all filtration media, including carbon, phosphate media, nitrate media and all others when the recommended alotted time runs out.
8. Maintain 0ppm nitrate and 0ppm phosphate readings and a constant temperature throughout the year.
That's basically it. I'm sure there are tons more that I haven't listed, but that's the jist.
Thanks guys, I understand that algae is good, but I have a mom that thinks all algae is bad because the pretty tanks don't have it. But anyways I just want to control it to the sump and some on the back wall I guess.
Is the UV sterilizer such a bad thing if you don't plan on having corals?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Sooner_Reefer
Thanks guys, I understand that algae is good, but I have a mom that thinks all algae is bad because the pretty tanks don't have it. But anyways I just want to control it to the sump and some on the back wall I guess.
Is the UV sterilizer such a bad thing if you don't plan on having corals?

Pretty tanks do have it...Get an aquarium book, even from the her algae is normal and good. A book will speak louder than any person on a web site. As a Mom I promise this is true.

small triggers

Active Member
Having a refugium in sump is a great help in this too. I think the algae scrubber is to much work for me. SO have a refugium and let it grow, put some macro algaes in there that you can feed to your fish every now and then when they need trimmed and VOILA!! no DT algae.


Originally Posted by small triggers
Having a refugium in sump is a great help in this too. I think the algae scrubber is to much work for me. SO have a refugium and let it grow, put some macro algaes in there that you can feed to your fish every now and then when they need trimmed and VOILA!! no DT algae.
too much work? i take the screen off every sunday night and spray it with a hose and place it back on. Takes me more time to walk up and down the stairs then to clean the scrubber.

small triggers

Active Member
no i mean more work in building it and seeing if how it is built is even right. I HATE PLUMBING. I am a great stand builder, anything with wood and nails and screws,, yippee im all over it, but the plumbing i hate even at work I pawn it off on the guys who work for me.
Well I haven't heard from the guy willing to trade for the 55g RR, but I've heard from a guy offering a 58gBowfront with stand and Metal Hallides and a 75g RR