How to Quarantine Mandarin Psycodelic


I am purchasing a mandarin psycodelic today from I have a 2-year-old reef that is 72 gal. The tank has 140# LR. Are there any special needs this fish will need in QT tank? The QT tank is 10 gal, basic set-up. If diseases show up, hypo OK? Any help with quarantine would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Lorin


Staff member
Becauase of this fish's special diet of pods, it will be difficult to maintain him in a QT. On the bright side, this fish also has a natural immunity to ich.
That doesn't mean that they absolutely will not get ich, but likely he won't. I would try to maintain the fish in a QT for 10 days. If he is eating, then great, then, if not....he'll need to go into the tank.