How to quarantine pod-eating fish ie: mandarin?

Hi everyone,
Beth, hoping you'll jump in on this one...
I'm very strict on quarantine... I've set up a 29gal that will be used just for this. But now, I have a question:
How do you all quarantine pod-eating fish like Mandarins?
The reason I ask, is because I will be getting a six-line wrasse to (hopefully, with luck) help with my red planarian (flatworm) problem.
The thing is, I have the problem NOW. I can't wait a month to quarantine the six-line wrasse, or Mandarin, if I go that route. But then this got me to thinking.. Since a QT has no pod-population, There is no way a mandarin-type fish could survive in a QT for that long!?!? So how/what do you do?
And what should I do about the wrasse? Directly add him to my main tank and hope for the best?


well on the madrian i would pick one out that will take brine, when i put mine in the quarintine he did not eat for a few days but eventually he started eating the frozen brine


I suppose you could harvest some pods and feed them that way. If you have a refugium with a good pod population this may be an option.