How to Re-Aquascape


whats up gang i want to redo my aquascaping just not sure what i should do about my livestock should i take them all out for the duration of the remodeling? what about the cleanup crew, might be almost impossible to get them all out, im wanting to put in these pvc square pillars i have down as a base and so the fish an critters can go through it , then have the rock on that, will be a nice stable base and really add some more swimming and hiding area for the fish an what should i do with them during the renovation


Active Member
Leave them in - this is what i've been told and have done for the past 8 months. I've reaquascaped aabout 8 times during that timeframe, and never had an issue leaving everything in there. They will move out of the way. If you have room in the tank just move the rocks to another area while rebuilding your aquascape. If you have to you can take the LR out and place in some of your tank water.
Just be careful not to trap or crush and of your slower guys like snails - most everything else will just avoid you while your arms are in the tank.