how to remove damsles?


i cant get the lil Watch the language out, there Watch the language me off
. wat do i do? i jus bought a flame angel and i dnt want them to mess with him so how can i get them out, please help?


Active Member
they might not pic on him that much, but they probably will...
do you have live rock? basically ive heard of ppl having to take all their live rock out and a little patience they can catch them. You can try a fish trap
You really need is a mini

gun with a nice scope and good eye and a trigger happy killing damsel trigger finger
i'm a lucky 4 years go I got mine with a net after an 20 minutes .
use a large glass jar or a 2ltr pop clear bottle will work
keep the neck on and cut a whole the size you need and just put it in your tank with some food in it and sit back and wait you will have to put some weight if you use the pop bottle
they cant see and just put it in the tank with a tiny bit of food as bait may take a while to catch them all but it works


no, the

gun will penetrate the back of the fish tank... but it will get the damsels out of the tank! It also gives you an excuse to upgrade

If your going to remove all of your live rock, just go ahead and rearrange a few key pieces, that way the damsels don't have any of their own territories any more. That might keep the damsels from picking on your angel.
good luck catching them, they are fast. People have also had success dividing their tank with egg crate and trapping one damsel at a time.


I like damsels myself. It really depends on what species you have to what they will do some are more aggressive than other.
My 58 reef has 2 dominos 2 humburges 2 perc clown and a mandarin. its active passive and everyone gets along. BTW the damsels where added first so not all damsels are the fated agressors/
what type do you have.


Active Member
get ya one of these. $25 shipped. Cant beat it, put some food in it, wait for the fish you want to swim in and drop the door that is held open by a piece of fishing line. Beats the heck out of tearing down all you rock.




gun can damage your
I like a little bit of electricity just to knock everyone a little


Originally Posted by autofreak44
are blue velvet damsels agressive like most damsels? thought they looked cool
they can e very aggressive like the blue terrors


Just went through this nightmare myself. I had two three stripe damsels that were both a terror to everything else in the tank. I tried all of the above suggestions....except the

gun....and nothing worked. They are too smart! I ended up removing all my rockwork in order to catch them. Oh well....I wanted to rearrange things anyway.


Active Member
Some folks think this is nuts; but it works! I've posted it before. Go fishing! Get a tiny fishhook, the kind fishermen use to catch bait- ask someone at a bait shop; tell them what you want to and they will know what size. (After they stop laughing) Flatten the barb on the hook (pliers) and bait it with a little piece of something they like and have eaten. A bit of raw shrimp is ideal. Use very light fishing line 2# test, or even thread. As soon as they grab it, yank them clean out of the tank and into a waiting bucket (or lionfish tank). When removing the hook, use a wet cloth and try to hold them by the gill covers, to avoid wiping off their slime coat. (If going to the lions, this isn't impt, just get the hook out). (In spite of my light tone;This really does work) No license required!


Active Member
call chuck norris

i put a whole bunch of food in my net and scooped him up when he went to get it. the traps work well too, but if you have a lot of rockwork it's hard to fit them in.