Some folks think this is nuts; but it works! I've posted it before. Go fishing! Get a tiny fishhook, the kind fishermen use to catch bait- ask someone at a bait shop; tell them what you want to and they will know what size. (After they stop laughing) Flatten the barb on the hook (pliers) and bait it with a little piece of something they like and have eaten. A bit of raw shrimp is ideal. Use very light fishing line 2# test, or even thread. As soon as they grab it, yank them clean out of the tank and into a waiting bucket (or lionfish tank). When removing the hook, use a wet cloth and try to hold them by the gill covers, to avoid wiping off their slime coat. (If going to the lions, this isn't impt, just get the hook out). (In spite of my light tone;This really does work) No license required!