How to remove silicone


Found an old tank in my storage that I used to use as a Sump/Fuge setup.
I thought it would be the perfect size to set up a small Seahorse cubicle to attach to my system I have now.
The question now is how to remove the baffles without making too many scratches on the outside glass.
Baffles have been connected with Silicone so is there a chemical on the market which dissolves silicone? Dont want to start scratching with little knifes etc again to avoid the outside glass the get all scratched up.


Active Member
you can use a razor blade. they have the ones that are in a little plastic handle - I have used them many times on glass and never scratched it.
What size tank is this??


Active Member
You will want to use a Locking Razor Knife like this one. Take your time, let the blade do the cutting, and run the blade out so you can bend it and keep the blade flat to the glass...