How to replace bulb in UV


Active Member
I know it is probably quite easy, but I want to make sure that I do this correct. I have an Emperor Aquatics 25W UV sterolizer that I need to replace the bulb as it is a year old. I have the new bulb, but absolutely no directions. It has a sleeve and the bulb is supposed to just screw out of one for easy replacement.
Is there anything else I need to do other than take out the old bulb and plug in the new one? I was thinking that maybe something else needed cleaning.
If you have a UV sterolizer like mine and have done this before, I'd appreciate a reply.
Tangman :D


New Member
It's possible you may have to clean the glass that surrounds the bulb. On mine it would require unscrewing the whole assembly (not difficult) to get it out which means you want to turn the pump off and keep it vertical so as not to lose the water.


Staff member
First off, you turn the pump and disconnect the power cord. If you have a quartz sleeve UV, then the process is as easy as you described. You just disconnect the old bulb then connect up the new bulb. However, if you don't have a quartz sleeve, then you will have to cut off all the water flowing into and out of the UV, then begin the process of replacing the bulb.


Active Member
Thanks for the replies. I have a sleeve and it was a piece of cake. I was just not sure if I needed to do anything else other than replace the bulb.
Thanks again!