How to RO


Ok.I'm sorry if this is a dumb question. How do I know Ive set up my RO correctly. I have it running right now so I can ditch the 1st ten gallons like the instruction state. The RO is on a slow drip and the waste water line seems to be flow about the same rate as it going in to the unit from the faucet. Does it matter if a turn the faucet on high? Will it still produce the same gph? Please feel free to add any extra info because I'm an RO retard. :hilarious


My Ro unit recoments 50 - 65psi on the pressure gauge. Check your instuctions to see what it recomends. Do you have a gauge on yours ? I am guessing it recomends a certain psi. Think of this, If you are blowing water past the inner filtration at a high speed it probably will not pureify the water as well. Just like being to slow.


There isnt a gauge on mine. I turned it up a little and I hear a hiss sound :notsure: .I dont have it turn up. I have it on med. flow


They dont say anything about what happens when the unit is in use. It identifies the parts and how to assemble them and maintenance.Thats pretty much it. Its a coralife unit..


Active Member
You have it hooked up right. You can turn the faucet on high, its still the same pressure. It all depends on the GPD rateing of the membrain as to how fast you get RO. A 25 gpd will give you about 1 gallon an hour. A 50 gpd will give you 2 gls, an hour, ect