How to Seed Playsand??


I want to start seeding some playsand so when I move in a month I can change out the cc and have as little of a cycle in the tank as possible. First of all I'm not using SD because there isn't any down here in Florida. I'm not sure what brand I'll use. I have a tub that you put a keg in that I was going to use to start the process. I was going to take a stocking with some of the cc in and hang it in the container. I was wondering what filtration I would need? I have a berlin skimmer that I can use and a bunch of powerheads laying around. If I hook those up will I be ok? How much sand do you think I would need for a 4-5 inch sand bed? 100-150lbs?


Active Member
100 lbs should be pretty close, maybe alittle more
make sure the tup is platic
and you could add a couple of pieces of lr and some deli shrimp(eating), the shrimp will add bacterai and the lr would also add that an critters, as for filtration, i eould not worrrry too mcuh about that, just somethign to circulate the water with like some powerheads


Yea i originally put 20 lbs of ls in with the cc 2 weeks before i put anything else in the tank. Once i got the lr the entire tank cycled in just over a week. So i guess you could say it really took the tank 3 weeks to cycle. I wansn't going to get ls because i have a bunch of stuff in my cc and by putting some in a stocking it should introduce a bunch of live stuff. So basically all I would need to do is add some powerheads and i should be fine. I may even get some lr because i'll probably set up my other 55 when i move so that way i could cure it.