how to shorten cycle????????


hey guys i am getting my 75 gallon with 40 gal sump with 80lbs of live rock and live sand and i was wondring if there is any way to make my cycle shorter. i am going to add 4 oz of turbo start because i think that should help.... is ther anything else that will make the cycle shorter


Active Member
A shortened cycle is not always a good thing. The cycle actually starts a living colony (for lack of better terminology) to eat/nutrilize the waste created by fish and their food. To shorten that runs a risk of a tank/system crash when animals are introduced.
There are things that you can add that help this cycle along. That would to be to introduce live sand from an established tank and cured live rock too. Miracles in a bottle are not what I consider quick helps or the alternative to a true cycle.


Active Member
If you're already looking for shortcuts then you are in the wrong hobby. You need to learn patience. Do not attempt to shorten the cycle, it will happen when it happens. You can toss some shrimp in there from your local seafood department to act as a source of ammonia, then let your bacteria grow. When ammonia and nitrite are zero, check your nitrates and do a water change if necessary, then begin to slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, add some livestock.


Originally Posted by 8x8nhl
please guys i need help
If you have a friend with a mature tank you can borrow some filter media or substrate from them and place it in your tank. The media/substrate will already be encrusted with denitrifying bacteria and thus speed up the process in a new tank.Keep in mind you may be introducing other unwanted pathogens/critters to your tank if you go this route. You still need to exercise patience. You are in the process of establishing a colony of beneficial bacteria that is crucial to the longterm health of your system. Don't get in too big of a hurry now, or you will be sorry later.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
If you're already looking for shortcuts then you are in the wrong hobby. You need to learn patience. .



Active Member
Originally Posted by Farslayer
If you're already looking for shortcuts then you are in the wrong hobby. You need to learn patience. Do not attempt to shorten the cycle, it will happen when it happens. You can toss some shrimp in there from your local seafood department to act as a source of ammonia, then let your bacteria grow. When ammonia and nitrite are zero, check your nitrates and do a water change if necessary, then begin to slowly, and I mean SLOWLY, add some livestock.
Yep, very well said.


Have you ever heard of bio spira marine? I think thats what it is called. My lfs sells it for about 30 dollars, and it treats 55 gallons. Its suppose to cycle it and bring everything down to 0, and get the bacteria going. I have heard nothing, but good things about it. I jused this for my 25 gallon, and the readings are 0.


what i ment was that i was looking for somthing to help the cyle along not to shorten it by 3 weeks


Active Member
I'd say you were doing fine then, don't try and rush it, it will happen. It took my first tank about a month.


Originally Posted by 8x8nhl
what i ment was that i was looking for somthing to help the cyle along not to shorten it by 3 weeks

Just spike the tank with ammonia. It will expedite the process somewhat.


Active Member
Originally Posted by hops523
Have you ever heard of bio spira marine? I think thats what it is called. My lfs sells it for about 30 dollars, and it treats 55 gallons. Its suppose to cycle it and bring everything down to 0, and get the bacteria going. I have heard nothing, but good things about it. I jused this for my 25 gallon, and the readings are 0.

For the price, 5 lbs of LR is a much better investment. Gives you the bacteria and then some...
IMO, there are no miracles in this hobby. LR and established substrate are great additions. Will things like biospira hurt? No, but don't put a lot of faith in them, IMO. I'd be real careful with what they promise.
Patience patience patience
can't be emphasized enough.


Active Member
Too much ammonia and you will kill your hitchikers, you don't want to over do anything. Keep the ammonia below 1ppm IME and you will be fine. Just leave the tank be and test every day if you want.


Originally Posted by Farslayer
Too much ammonia and you will kill your hitchikers, you don't want to over do anything. Keep the ammonia below 1ppm IME and you will be fine. Just leave the tank be and test every day if you want.

Yeah, my bad. I wasn't even thinking about the LR. You don't need to worry about keeping under 1 ppm. That will be pretty hard to do unless you plan on doing daily water exchanges. Basically, if you want to do it right there are no shortcuts. You should be planning for the longterm, not the short term.


yes i just wanted somthing to add that would give me more bactirea and help the cycle not cycle the tank in 1 week.


Originally Posted by ophiura
For the price, 5 lbs of LR is a much better investment. Gives you the bacteria and then some...
IMO, there are no miracles in this hobby. LR and established substrate are great additions. Will things like biospira hurt? No, but don't put a lot of faith in them, IMO. I'd be real careful with what they promise.
Patience patience patience
can't be emphasized enough.
Yeah patience I added it, but I still havent added any fish yet, and its been a few weeks since I did add it.


If you added 80lbs of cured live rock and sand you will not see much of a cycle. I just set up a 55 gal tank I added play sand and found 80 lbs of live rock in a well astablisehed set up a guy was selling off I added that live rock after the amiona had spiked it came down in half the first day and was perfict on the second day I had already put the shrimp in I never had a nitrite spike. I put food in like I would if I had fish in there and no rise in any of the leavels I put in a xiniea frag that was geting eaten up by a pigmy angeal and it is doing great and still no leavel changes. Just a mini cycle.