how to start a siphon?


Active Member
u mean on the "U" tube??
just take some air tubing put it through the inlet of the u tube so thats it is at the arc of the U then go a little bit more and put the tube in your mouth and suck all the air out. but you need to make sure you have water in your prefilter box and also when you pull the airline out of the tube make sure you put your finger over the end otherwise the air will be sucked rite back into the u tube and the suction will stop again.


Active Member
I use the plastic wrap trick....never been good with the airline.....You take 2 pieces of plastic wrap and submerge the U tube in the tank water and turn or rock to release the air bubble that will be inside of'll hear it bubble, and then while still under water cover the one end of the tube with the plastic wrap, and do the same on the other end.....When you get the U tube into place with the plastic wrap still on remove the plastic wrap on the end of the tube closest to you and then remove the back one as well.......Should take off from there.....HTH