How to stop a dog from barking?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Zsalinas
For the dog poo just buy "va poo rize" lmao ever seen the show Envy?
Nope, but it sounds good from their view of the poo.


Jack Black and Ben Stiller are in it and Jack Black invents a spray that you spray on animal poo and it disappears completely. Way funny show. Just thought that'd help with the poo lol.


Originally Posted by socal57che
My neighbor had his dog's vocalcords cut. Unfortunately he lives 3 blocks away. Our closest neighbor's dogs bark constantly. We have complained to the landlord, but they still bark. We don't want our new 4runner or the BMW to get keyed so we just let it go. One day I will slip some rat poison in a meatball and toss it over the fence.
Irresponsible owners are to blame but dogs will get it in the end. How else might I deal with this problem without getting tires slashed or cars keyed? :notsure:

How about someone slips a rat poison meatball in your fish tank. You seem to worry about your cars more than anything else. You said your self the owners are to blame.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Stone
How about someone slips a rat poison meatball in your fish tank. You seem to worry about your cars more than anything else.
Not true.
I also worry about my wife who works very hard and gets home very late on the occasions she gets to even come home. I get to explain how she probably didn't need to sleep anyway. These people are too irresponsible and inconsiderate to keep their own animals quiet. Their patio is covered in feces through the week and they spray it with the hose on weekends. We live directly above them. Their car is a piece of crap so they pull their clunker next to one of our $30k+ cars and give it a good bang with the door. They don't care. Why should I live in fear of retaliation for complaining about their loud dogs. Why should I have to listen to their animals at all. If my fish get out of control and harass my neighbors I will discipline them accordingly. If it makes you happy I will feed my fish a poison meatball since you feel that is neccessary to counter the meatball to be fed to the dogs.
I'll give you my address if you are willing to buy the bark control collars for my neighbors. Or better yet just mail it to them directly. e-mail me and I'll give you the info you need.
If you don't have a solution......go do a water change.


If you situation is that bad then why don’t you move instead of living in "fear" of you cars getting ruined. And yes many people are horrible pet owners but even saying that you would slip a poison filled meatball as a joke is a retched thing to say and you saying something like that means you are obviously not a wonderful peson and you are just getting what you deserve