How to tell Clown Male/Female?



I need some one to help me so I can do a report of the difference between each other


Well-Known Member
Shame there are no stickies on the subject.

My understanding is that there is no difference and that in the known species of clownfish they are all born as males. Eventually one will establish dominance in their environment and then transform it's gender and become female and grow larger than the other/others. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.

Did you choose the subject matter for the report?

bang guy

I can't remember if they are born male or ungendered, neither male nor female. Something to research for you.

If there is a group or pair of Clownfish then the most dominant will become the female and the second most dominant will become the male. As the others mature they become male and are forced out of the group. A lone Clownfish will generally become female.


Well-Known Member
If I'm wrong correct me....The ADULT clownfish "female" however she got that way, is always the largest of the pair.

Bottom line, get yourself a couple of clownfish, one of them will be a female eventually. You don't have to purchase a male and female to try and breed them.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Bang Guy http:///t/396366/how-to-tell-clown-male-female#post_3531420
I wouldn't say always, I would say usually or almost always.

Be sure not to purchase two females.

Just asking....If we buy the wee little things sold at the LFS...then wouldn't we know neither are female? It's the purchasing adults that getting two females could that correct?


Clowns all start male. the biggest one in the group will become the female, the rest will stay male. Best to look at overall size and pushyness. More often then not, even when paired up, the male will be kicked out and hang on a corner for a while. i'm going to PM you an article i found on this subject =)


Well-Known Member
Think you're right, Bang. The clown fish fry start out as neutral sex then turn male as they become juveniles.

bang guy

Originally Posted by Flower http:///t/396366/how-to-tell-clown-male-female#post_3531422

Just asking....If we buy the wee little things sold at the LFS...then wouldn't we know neither are female? It's the purchasing adults that getting two females could that correct?


Caution when acquiring Maroons though, they change gender early and quickly. They are quite difficult to pair.