how to tell if a cleaner clam dies


How can you tell if a cleaner clam dies??? since they are under the sand how will you know if they die? I also have moved sand around the tank I seem to have lost 3 clams will they resurface on their own if their now happy?? I asked because that could totally be bad if something that big died in a tank & you didnt know. :nervous:


Active Member
I just had one die after about a year in my tank. It surfaced (which is did rarely) and started to open slightly. The cleaner shrimp then started working on him. The next day the clam had opened up completely and was empty. (and the following day, my short-spined urchin picked it up, attached it to his back and carried it around the tank).


Active Member
I would have to imagine that the clean-up crew would make a meal of a dead or dying clam. Just give them a ritz and some tobasco.


I believe if you try to pull them open or close them, you'll get some resistance if they're alive but not if they're dead. I don't know for sure because I've never had one, but I'm almost positive I read that somewhere.
If it's dead or dying, your scavengers will definitely take care of it for you. :D


update: I had 2 cleaners die & they came up & opened they where empty still through the shells out. the rest are doing well, I thought because I hadnt seen 4 of the 5 clams in months maybe they could be dead but when I moved rocks around I found them, still live & kicking.