how to upgrade tank



Can someone ell me if I am doing this right and if it will work?
Step 1- laid down new dsb in 75 gallon tank with 30 lbs of base rock.
Step 2- Cycled 75 gallon tank to build bacteria in DSB and Base Rock.
Step 3- Wait for tank to Cycle.
Step 4- Remove corals, fish, and invertebrates from 55 gallon and put into buckets.
Step 5- Replace half of the water in the 75 gallon tank with water from my 55 gallon.
Step 6- Place 70 Lbs of live rock from 55 gallon into the 75.
Step 7- Add fish, corals, invertebrates.
Step 8- Test Water levels.
What does everyone think about this? Do you think it would work with out causing any problems?


Active Member
Sounds good. Only thing Iwould recommend is moving your corals to a holding tank/buckets or something, then move the live rock and then add the rest of your water and then place corals. Much easier to place rock when you have less water to deal with.
Good luck. I did that recently from a 72 to my 125 which was an aggressive set up.
It's scary but all went went.