How to ??


Active Member
Originally Posted by brenda5826
i need help my test for alk is in ppm 2.8 and am wondering

how to convert ppm to DKH
Unless you are having major issues I believe you posted your Alk in Meq/L (2.8) if thats the case then your PPM is 140 and your DKH is 7.24 all are a tad low.


okay i am due for a water change tommorow will this raise my levels
and what math conversion did you use to get that number


Active Member
The ideal range for alkalinity is 7 to 10 dKH, when I said you were a tad low I should of further explained. Your alk is not dangerously low but target areas in that range tend to be in the 8's or 3 to 3.5 meq/L. HTH and yes a water change would most likely bring it up. I wouldnt do anything until then and then retest.