How vital is R/O water?



your water is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING pertaining to your aquarium. It is worth the money spent. If you can't afford a unit, you can buy it cheap from many LFS. I use my RO/DI for drinking water too because it tastes so much better.

ed r

I also think that the water used for make-up/top-off and changes is critical. Very few people have tap or well water that is of adequate quality. Many will never succeed without the RO/DI. I get mine at the LFS. It is worth the money.


Active Member
If you want a successful system it it very important. I was very skeptical at first, but after a diatom bloom in my FOWLR i started using RO water...few weeks later of doing water changes algae problem was gone. I have yet to have any problems in my reef! I bought a 50 gpd unit off of e-Bay and I have been very happy with it!!!


Keep in mind... besides just R/O water... you can make D/I water very cheaply. Aquarium Pharmaceuticals makes a D/I filter canister for about $25 that makes anywhere from 75-125 gal depending on your water source contaminents. That is about $.25 cents per gal (cheaper than LFS's w/o the hassle/time of transportation).
Just another option instead of buying the expensive R/O unit; the multiple canister replacements that drive the price per gal up. And in MY opinion, I don't see that the additional cost per gal warrants the difference in water quality of R/O over D/I.
Good luck to you.


The Aquarium Pharmaceuticals filter works well, but depending on where you live and what the quality of the water and pipes are, you will get varying amounts of water before the filter needs replaced. I clocked the last one that I used at 22 gallons before it needed changed. I am currently buying distilled until my RO unit comes, hoping that the results aren't the same.
No one in this area seems to sell RO water. All of the places and people that I have asked shake their heads and say nope. If anyone in South W. PA knows of a place that sells it, please let me know. Maybe that's just one of the curses of living in an area that has an abundance of a freshwater supply.
We bought our RO unit at Lowes for $200. It installed under the sink, has a tap that fits right next to the main tap, has a 5 gallon storage tank that goes under the sink and back flushes it's self. Test out great for the tank and tastes good too. No more bottle hauling for us. We could have bought one for the money we have spent on bottled water over the past 7 months. My husband the engineer researched all the units in a very analytical engineering way and bought the unit from Lowes. HTH


Frank, If you dont mind driving to Bethel Park (About a 35 min drive from where you are), the Giant Eagle grocery store here has 2 R/O machines that dispense Reverse Osmosis water that is both utravioletly sterilized and deionized (cleanest water you can possibly use). It costs .35 cents per gallon if you fill your own containers, or .75 cents if you use their gallon jug. I get all of my water there.


First let me clarify which store it is (there are two here) it is the one on Library Road (at the shopping center with pep boys and an Ames store). The machines are actually at the checkout (I alway go in the out door because they are right at the exit doors). I usually load up my empty containers in a shopping cart and drive them in and fill them up at both machines (6 gallons takes about 2 min this way).


New Member
Thanx everyone for your opinions. There is a local grocery store nearby my house that provides R/O water, and I think I am headed there very soon. So do you guys bring 5 gal buckets in and fill them up or do you have to buy them in 1 gal jugs? Thanx again!!


The dispensers for the water usually only accept 1 gal. jugs, but I'm not sure what type your store will have.