how warm can i keep my tank at 3400 feet above sea level?


I was wondering about how warm i could get my tank without suffocating anything. my tank is at about 3400 feet above sea level. I have extremely good flow. My powder blue tang has ich, but the shrimp clean him every day. i was told that powder blues like warmer water and ich doesn't.
I don't want to try to remove him, because he is eating and growing constantly. i believe if i removed all the rock an removed him and all the other fish they would all get to stressed. I getting more cleaner shrimp and hope that the fish can survive with the ich. i believe if i make the fish more comfortable they might beable to overcome the ich.
My lfs says that at this altitude any temp close to eighty could be deadly. I have had the tank at 78 with no bad effects.
Can anybidy help Thanks


78 should be fine. i have never heard of this being an issue. higher altitude decreases partail pressure of oxygen but i wouldn't think it would make that big of a difference at 3400 feet. surely there are people in Denver that keep their tanks at 80 degrees.


The lowest point in Colorado is 3350 ft above sea level. The avg is 6800 feet. I am sure people there have their aquarium set for 80+.


Originally Posted by MoneyMan
The lowest point in Colorado is 3350 ft above sea level. The avg is 6800 feet. I am sure people there have their aquarium set for 80+.


Does anybody know for sure. My friend at the lfs is pretty sure that this alltitude will effect the fish he claims that anything above 79 is unhealthy. i have had my tank running at about 74-75 for 4 years with no problems. i would like to find somebody who knows for sure. i can't see how the alltitude can have zero effect
what are the negative effects of having my tank that cold

what temp should my tank be at for optimum health of my fish.


Shoot for 76 to 81 F. This altitude will have negligible effect on oxygen levels. If you don’t believe me or any of the other posts listed…Is they’re anyone our there from Denver, and what temp do you keep your tank at?


thanks dingo,
its not that i don't believe you.
i just don't know what to believe. i know in the streams up here that fish start to die when the water temp get above 80.
i would like to find somebody from denver.
Maybe i will call a fish store out there. thanks for your help.


My tank has been as high as 82 and I am at 5,000ft. Have not had any problems with a Naso, Mandarin, Flame Angel, & Tomato Clown


74-75 is asking for ick if you ask me. Soak your food in garlic before you feed it to your fish this helps with immune system. I soak all my food in garlic first.(my fish may have bad breath but they are healthy.
I would shoot for 78-80 on your temp. When moving your temp around do it slowly or you will stress the fish even further. Any type of extreme change is stressful for fish even if you are moving things to where they are suppose to be.

37g joe

I have friends who have a tank at 2500 feet here in washington state they have no problems with it being 79-80 degrees. also the reason why fresh water fish start to die when stream water gets to 80 is because its to warm for them think about it they are used to high elavation temp's and streams get plenty of oxegen. it would be like subjecting a cold water saltwater fish to warm water they well die too.