how warm is your water?


Ahoy hoy! My tank is running around 70 all the time. Is this too cold for my mushrooms Im trying to grow? How much flow do they like? How far away should they be from my light and should they be in direct light or shaded? Any help would be great.


70? 0_0 thats pretty cold, but if they look like theyre doing fine then its ok..but thats more $ wasted on elec. bills..i keep my temp at 79.
the mushrooms should be in direct light..what kinda lighting you got?


My tank temp. fluctuates around 78-79. If you want your mushrooms to grow like crazy, just put them directly under your light and watch it grow.


82 here. My shrooms really got bigger when I upgraded to MH's, they are directly in the light.

nm reef

Active Member
In my opinion 70 is a bit too low...most hobbyists try to maintain a temp above 76 degrees. I keep mine around 78-82 day to night. Mushrooms don't seem to like a lot of direct flow and will often relocate if the curent is too a moderate current may be best.Where they are located in regard to your light will depend on the 'shroom and your lighting source. Some like a lot of light and others don't do as well in direct light. Depends a lot on the type of lighting you run.:thinking:


Mine runs 82-79 day to night. I've had trouble with my 'rooms not extending all the way, got compact lights 10K white and 65K blue. I've moved them from high light, to low light, they just won't fully extend. I've got them shaded right now, low to moderate flow. They're on the move, so I know their unhappy, but I'm going to stop moving them around and let them find a place to settle.


Thanks for the reply guys. I have a 10k bulb and a actinic and they are both 65 watts each. Ill include a pic of the setup in my tank so you get an idea of where the shrooms are located. I dont have much flow on them and they dont look to be trying to move so is that a good thing? They just dont open up like they were in the store. I also got them 3 days ago so I dont know if that makes a difference. Also, can anyone ID the purple bumpy stuff next to my shrooms? My friends at the store just threw it in for free so how could I refuse? I took a part off of the purple stuff and gave it to a friend and it seems to be doing fine in his tank. For some reason the little flowers are not comming out of the stuff in my tank. He says he has his on the bottom of the tank.


Here is a close up of the shrooms. I do know that I need more live rock, Im adding it slowly so that I dont get any spikes.
also, how do you guys take pics of your tank? All my pics come out looking "blah"


Active Member
My reef runs between 81.5 and 81.9 degrees.
also, how do you guys take pics of your tank? All my pics come out looking "blah"
Check out the Photography Forum. There are some great tips there.


Active Member
I keep mine at 80 to 82. By the way that purple coral looks like it could be ricordea florida. Nice friends! :D


Thanks for the info. I dont know if the ricordea is a hard coral but the purple stuff in my tank has hard bubbles that sprout very tiny flowers. I think they are brownish-redish in color. I talked to my friend and he said that the section that I gave him is full of little flowers. Why wouldnt it be the same in my tank? My tank is only a 29g so I think that running the temp to 78-80 wont be too expensive as far as the electric bill goes. How should I go about taking the temp up? Just turn the heater to the setting and let it go or should I step it up so the heater doesnt over heat?
Thanks again, Josh


that 'purple' stuff looks like green star polyps..they sometimes take awhile to open up and adjust to a tank..did you change your temp yet?


Active Member

Originally posted by JDM_AE86
that 'purple' stuff looks like green star polyps..they sometimes take awhile to open up and adjust to a tank..did you change your temp yet? that I looked closer, it does look like some kind of polyp that hasn't opened yet. Good call. :D


Ill be changing the temp when I get home tonight. The guy that has the other section has a bunch of reptiles in his room and its always pretty warm/hot in there so Im curious to find out what his tank temp is. He is going to buy a thermometer and check it out tonight. Think the temp has anything to do with the fact that the things are not coming out? Also, they came on a peice of "i dont know what", should that be glued down or rubber banded down? Its not floating around but maybe that might help to get it attached to the rock quicker.
Thanks guys for helping a total newbie.


Active Member
If it moves around you can use marine glue to hold it down. I'd get the temp up to around 80-82. :D


the two corals you got arent from deep, cold water, and it may be a reason why they arent opening and extending themselves..