how well does UV sterilizers work anyone have one?


just wondering how well they work does it help cut down on ick? how long has anyone used one for and how good has it worked keeping parasites away?
thanks for input


I always run one not sure if they work I still get spots every now and then. Ick is caused by stress. The best way to keep it in check is to include a cleaner wrase in your tank. You might go through 3 or 4 before u find one that will accept regular food but when u do it is a great thing. my suggestion would be to buy 2 or 3 at the same time and 1 will always survive.


UV wont prevent ich, but it can help. Its good to clear up your water and help prevent different parasites. Some people say they are a waste of money. They can be if you buy one that is not big enough or you put to much flow into it. Your better off buying a really good skimmer, then if you have the extra money Id buy one. It wont hurt.


Active Member
I have a turbo twist 36 watt and keep it running 24 hours. Many people claim uv's don't do anything... I disagree. I think they definately keep the unwanted bacterial count down, and if nothing else they do control the spread of unwanted algae. They do not take ich off of your fish, but they will knock out ich that is free swimming which goes through them. you need to run water through the uv slowly though in order for it to work and change bulbs every now and then. I keep it on its own pump, which is just a powerhead hooked up to tubing that I then connect to the uv. My tank is always crystal clear. And my fish thus far are fine....(however I do have two cleaner shrimp, two fire shrimp which also clean, and two cleaner wrasses) I also qt my fish in hypo before adding them to the main tank which is a 200 gallon. I vacume 1x week and change 10% of the water q weekly as well. You can get a used uv because ultimately you will need to change bulbs anyway. check out the big online auction site. that's where I got mine for half the price and I have been running it without a bulb change now for 4 months...