How well will injecting vinegar into a Euro work?


Active Member
Ok I've been running my Euroreef ES5-2 on my 75 gallon tank and have not cleaned the pump/impeller assembly yet since i have to break down the entire sump. I plan to do a full cleaning/vinegar bath after 1 year of use. For now I let the venturi suck in some RO water about once every month. Tonight I injected 5ml of vinegar into the venturi tube. Should I do this once a week along with the RO water. Will it help anything. Also I'm assuming 5ml of vinegar won't affect the overall PH of the tank.


I beleive that vinager is acidic and I have never heard of putting anything like that into your tank. I brake down my skimmer and clean it in bleach water and then clean it in fresh water to remove the bleach. But never put any cleaners in my tank water. And many people would probly say I'm crazy for using bleach.


Don't use the bleach! Vinegar will do the trick every time but I wouldn't reccommend putting vinegar in the main tank either. Take it out and clean it. Remember its not a hobby of short cuts. JMO


Active Member
If your using Distilled white vinegar, don't worry about it going in the tank. It will have an affect on your pH if you add too much but I add about 50 mL of it every night with my kalk. It will contribute to algae though if you do not have control of your nutrients.


Active Member
good replies but I think Nas got it on the head, don't use bleach you may miss some, soapy water isn't that bad but white vinegar does wonders for cleaning pumps I just not sure of the job it will do to a working pump on a skimmer


Active Member
I would think that dismantling the pump and soaking the parts in vinegar would be far better than just shooting some vinegar into a working pump.
Is that the question ?
It would have to soak to do any real good in my opinion.
Injecting it into a working pump ....... maybe get a half second of contact time with the parts .... then diluted too much.
I don't think the vinegar would do much good at cleaning, and I wouldn't add it to my saltwater either.


Active Member
Broomer, is there a problem with putting vinegar into a tank? I've always been told that it is ok to use in Kalk mix, is this acceptable?


i just use scalding hot water and a scrub brush thats for the tank only. i don't want to accidently miss somthing while rinsing what ever i'm cleaning. you just never know!


Active Member
I really can't say.
I don't use vinegar in my tanks.
I've read where people use vinegar with kalk, and I know that this is acceptable if done properly - but I don't know firsthand.


Active Member
I would run the pump in a bucket with 1 part vinegar to 3-4 parts water for a few hours.
Euro reef recommends running 1/2 cup of warmhot water through the venturi tube every week, I think its every week.