how will a pork puffer do with a goby?


And. . .what other compatible fish do they like?
When you go to the fish section of this site I wish the fish description would add this kind of information. just my thought!
Any suggestions?:happyfish


I dont know if it would help but there are sites out there with Species compatability charts that show if a family of fish can be put together - or if it is with caution or Not to be placed together.
Since it is a competitors website I dont think it is appropriate to put the link in here but there are many sites that model this type of information and I agree could be very usefull to state if a fish is compatible.
Hope this helps


Well, they dont eat fish really, it is more out of curiosity that a puffer will go after a little fish. Keep in mind that they are crustacean-arians (lol, 'VEGetarians, hehe) BUT, they will sometimes go after a smaller fish. Now, its a pretty big chance to take, but then, I had a porcupine in with a lawnmower blenny and a royal gramma, and he didnt care. It all depends on the luck of the draw. If u get a curious puffer, he may take a nip outa a goby, and decide he doesnt like it, by which time the poor goby is long gone. so...... I really dont know wat to say now. sorry


So when the fish description says the puffer likes "swim mates" WHAT fish can you have, I really dont like aggressive fish!
But Puffers are so gentle. :confused:


Try to get fish around the same size or a little bit bigger and they will be fine. Let's see, how about a snowflake eel, Dwarf zebra lion and a picasso trigger with the puffer. I think that with be perfect for your 55g. But you don't like aggressive fish so how aboth a dwarf angel, deep water damsel and clarks clownfish and a small to medium size porky the puffer.


I had a picasso in with a porky and his tail never cured because it would be regularly bitten. During feeding if the puffer was taking the food a quick bite to the side or tail would set him straight. They were not a good mix. Also take into consideration how big a porky will get. If your not planning on getting a much larger tank, you better know someone that will take it.


Thanks for the response. I was actually going to put the puffer in the 20 gal. with one other fish. But it sounds like that's too small. so I don't know what I want to do with the 20 gal. It only has a little diamond goby in it now!