How wonderful is my girlfriend...


Active Member
We just stayed's like 7am, now...we were up till like 3am, watching movies and then she wanted to learn about some fish...teaching her the differences between different species of Lionfish and Scorpionfish...
How lucky am I?...actually having a chick that wants to learn crazy stuff like that! Someone who's actually interested in stuff like that.
Just thought I'd share.


Active Member
My fiance is getting to be the same way. Since I started redoing my tank she has been very involved. Always asking questions and looking up stuff to see if we could keep certain fish and inverts in the tank.
I"m a lucky guy too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by fbm
As soon as you get her the ring, it will all stop........
This is so true... I met my wife while working at the same pet store as her. Now she is bored and annoyed with my fishaholic ways. Down right jealous of it at times, but at least i get to decide how my tank spends my money, not so much with her. My tank also never talks back, and lets me know when I am doing the right things for it, my wife on the other hand.... did I mention that I love her more than anything ;)


I always tell my friends that are talking about getting engaged this: Diamonds to women are like kryptonite to superman. Put that ring on her finger and it messes her all up.


Active Member
Dont get me wrong...
I met my girlfriend on a fish forum (not this one). She joined, her questions about mantis shrimp. I gave her the run down about mantis shrimp and then we started talking on AIM...
We've been dating for over a year and a half and she's the best thing that's ever happened to me.
This girl...not only does she keep 12 different species of Tarantulas, but she's in love with the salt water fish hobby. No matter what I do, I'm good.
My last girlfriend, I always told her "You make me choose between you and the fish tanks, you'd better start packing your bags". Well, guess what...she packed her bags...and I never regret it, one bit.


New Member
Just got married December 2nd! My wife loves the tank so much that she wants her own!!! SWEEEEET!!! I am trying to talk her into doing an aggressive (Lions, Puffers, Sharks, Eels and so forth) tank for me, um i mean her!