how would you????????????



:thinking: set a a 135 i like aggr. but still need input from u guys i know u all are expierienced aqua. waiting for ideas and info thanx.


Active Member
haha .. ok .. here's my stock list for a 135 semi-aggressive:
1x large Snowflake Eel
1x Volitan Lionfish
1x One Spot Sleeper Goby
1x Blue Hippo Surgeon
1x Harlequin Tusk
1x Emperor Angelfish
1x Copperbanded Butterfly (only if it was added first and well established before any of the other fish)


thanx 4 taking time right know i got a zebra eel in my 55 couple drags.tang,snells, serpent stars-seems like tons of them came from my live rock-sand sifting starfish,conch---really interested in lions when i upgrade maybe a snow flake eel to go w/ zebra eel -what about a porc. puffer?


Active Member
well I really like Porcupine puffers but you definetly wouldn't be able to keep one w/ the Lionfish .. Lion's fins are very tasty snacks for Triggers and puffers .. and i think that if you got another eel to go w/ your zebra they would probably fight for food and bight and things .. not always good .. but sometimes you can get lucky and they'll be alright .. I guess it's just your risk if you want to take the chance or not


Active Member
How about some more aggressive tangs, more aggressive angels, an eel, maybe a lesser agressive trigger and a puffer?


socal what have u got from there? me a mandarin, scooter drag.,snells, sand sifting star, my tang,sailfin(gone),conch,sand, rock,serpent star,got from apple valley


all i have gotten from him is a blue devil damsel(1st fish) and brine shrimp....i saw the eel and liked it but i don't have an agg tank, by the way how much did u get him for? and where did u get everything else...out of the long tank? all i ever see is the same stuff in the small tanks in the wall.


the pet store in apple valley is kind of expensive i go to this place in riverside(i know kinda of a far drive) it has way better prices and on wed everything is 10% off


ain't damsel a bit aggr. had one from apple valley kept picking on all other fish - now from the small tank mandarin, scooter drag, clown goby,lawnmower blennie, from big tank sand sifting star fish one 'bout 2 inch. other 5-6 in. ,snells, bought one serp. star from appl. val. and rock,shoot now got tons of serp. or brit. stars from rock also got anenome from big tank no longer have it. :happyfish


so cal what's the name of the place in riverside do they got a site ill be waiting