

Come on guys....i really need help with that...its not that i am cheap and i dont want to pay money on fish...its only cause variety of fish at the store got really bad and they barely get new and different types....SO PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!
Ok guys....this is the question that i was willing to ask the only fish store in Cairo/Egypt......"how do you catch your reef fish?"
but offcourse they wont reply cause they dont want to louse any of their customers.....or whatever reason they have:rolleyes:
i live about 2hours away from the red sea coast.....i go there for the weekends can you please help me out with my question????....i guess that this way is better for me in order to have a bigger and healthier variety to chose i guess its fun too.
and if there is a practicle way to do so,can you tell me in what sort of containers should i keep the fish and LRs in till i get back home???
thnx alot for your help:D


you might want to check with local laws I know here it is illegal in some places if not all to collect wild fish, corals, or anyhting in the ocean without a permit and all.
if you can I wouldnt for reasons of disease and alot of species fish will not eat and die soon after being cought.but thats just my opinion.
but if you can and you are going to then get a converter that will run off your car cigarette lighter and enough to run a pump and a heater. a container large enough to hold the specimens =that you catch and then tae them home and sllowly acclimate them to your tank and water...
BTW make sure if you do go and wild collect that you make sure of what you get and that it will be able to adapt to tank life easily and not get things that are sure to be doomed from the start unless they stay in the ocean.
But please reconsider if it is legal alot of reefs are endanger of being over fish and divasted already and even though you might only take a couple of things it will still disrupt the chain.
and again ask your local goverment for local laws before you even attempt it it can carry a hefty fine and or jail time for it.


get a converter that will run off your car cigarette lighter and enough to run a pump and a heater.
You don't need a heater or pump/converter. Just bag them and put in a cooler. keep temp below 85 deg F.
mike obviously does not travel much, a heater.. in egypt.
the fish we all get online spend more than 24 hours in a plastic bag. Your survival rate should be much better than what is shipped to the U.S.
But please reconsider if it is legal alot of reefs are endanger of being over fish and divasted already and even though you might only take a couple of things it will still disrupt the chain.
I would not worry about the guilt trip either, almost everything in all our tanks comes right from the wild. Some people just don't like to admit it.
collecting from the wild can be very rewarding, don't forget to grab a bunch of hermits/snails. Do not collect more than your tank can handle at one time and you won't devastate the red sea.
BTW the fish are very hard to catch, use 2 nets. have fun


dont worrie guyz....there is no laws or any restriction in the place i go to cause the reefs there are just random small patches in defferent distances.......the rest of the beches are sandy...the dont know it exist anyay!!!;)
for catching the fish....should the 2 nets be big or not???
someone told me that the fish swim too fast when approched so they need a big net....but how bid should it be???
thnx guys for the help:)


nope never been out of the US unfornatly I want ot travel but expenses are very tight LOL
did think about the bag travel.
if you do just remember to make sure of what you get and make sure it can live in tank life long term.


naah.....dont worrie...all the stuff that i will get are the stuff that i know will surive...
hey...if u are into diving and stuff.....u better come visit sinai...
the prices are afordable and its THE RED SEA!!!!!:D
a place called Sharm el shekh is reccomended


the catch method that worked for me is to make 2 large .5- 1 meter, deep nets 1 meter. just use vail cloth. a broomstick is good for handle.
as you approach a .3- .7 m stand alone coral head, the fish will vanish inside, slowly place nets on each side, use mouthpiece to blow air/ scare them into net, grab net closed, transfer to net bag. use multiple bags, it gets hard to put them in without another escape after a few.
I took several thick plastic bags with me to transfer into before reaching shore, if boat diving, take cooler and place net bags into it for transfer to shore, transfer to individual bags for trip home. acclimate properly after speedy, direct trip home. keep in dark and below 85 deg F.