HowardJ's 12 Gallon Nano Rebirth


Active Member
Started in August '07 - I was really proud of my little nano tank.. it started with my first live animal - an unknown pink nudibranch; he was fun to watch for awhile - it was alive and moving - what wouldn't be for a first time reefer?
He starved to death rounding the first month after cycle -heard that he ate zoas, didn't want him anyway.
Then I got a Really good deal on some coral frags from a friend that works at the LFS, some GSP, Zoas, and Mushrooms.
The addiction's addiction had begun. I bought my first fish - Scooter Dragonette.. not a smart idea. He was dead the next day "/. After learning that he lived on copepods, I felt dumb, and miseducated from my LFS.
My next purchase was a very small pair of Clarkii clowns - .75" (I'm sure they weren't paired yet, but they were in the same tank, same kind of clown, to me, they were a pair)
Zoas, Xenia, Acans, Mushrooms, Zoas, Anthelia, Zoas, yellow polyps, Ricordea's, and Zoas later.. my tank was full!
I was very anal about water changes - at first - once a week, every tuesday.
My Boxer crab purchase was in there somewhere.. in between the Zoas..
I slipped on water changes "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow, maybe the next day"..
Bad Idea.
As water changes slipped, so did livestock.. My boxer crab punched the lights out of some of my Nassarius Snails, other snails died, Hermit crab bodies - not molts - found laying places, boxer crab died 1 year later - HUGE cyano outbreak.. started small.. who woulda thought it would have taken off so fast? anyone? anyone?
Once again, I slipped.
In February, I set up a 10 gallon in my Bedroom, then, just recently.. September to be exact, I set up a 29 Gallon - also in my bedroom - I moved the Clarkii's over there, as well as the leftover snails and hermits.
1 Day later, the female (Lily) had been attacked by my Lawnmower Blenny, she survived two more days, and then eventually passed.
Now I am left with the smaller male (Herman).
Mom named them Herman and Lily - from the Munsters.

I didn't mind. They were the coolest things, Ever though. Everytime I opened the lid, there they would be - begging for food. When I put my hand in the tank, Lily would nip me as she was trying to protect her precious Xenia.
But now, after all of the babbling about the history, we move on to the future!
I completely tore down the 12 Gallon, washed EVERYTHING off, scraped, cleaned, and scrubbed like no other.
Today - the 12 Gallon is down no longer

I have 16+~ lbs., 20 lbs. of 1.2 year old live rock/sand.. hopefully the mini cycle won't last too long!
Pics Soon!
Please friendly critique on aquascape!
Thanks Much



Active Member
Looks good so far. Maybe slope the rock a bit more or you will find that you will run out of room for attatching corals unless they are verticle. Not much room in a 12gl to start with, though a very fun size to work with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by HowardJ

yeah you're welcome, sorry if it came off as vague... that's typically what I say when I like aquascapes, I'll hate blatantly if I don't. This tank looks like it'll come together nicely.


Active Member
Thanks everyone.. Hoping it doesn't take too long to cycle so I can throw some coral back in there.


Active Member
I just put the rock and sand in the tank Sunday
Although, I used the rock and sand I have had for over a year. I'm just hoping that it takes less than a month..


Active Member
I put two Scarlet Hermit crabs and two Strawberry Trochus Snails in the tank yesterday. They are still alive and kickin' today.
I also put a 4 Head frag of frogspawn in there the 2nd day I had it back up and running, and it is doing great.


Why oh Why does everyone elses tank look better them mine?

I love everyone's tank, the rock set up the colors. Mine seems boring compared to everyone elses tank I have seen on here. What gives I have knowledge of things.
Ok Rant over Love the tank