OK first of all I need to know some answers to some questions. How long are you leaving your lights on? How much do you feed your fish and how frequently? Do you have a clean up crew, if so what does it consist of?
I had a major outbreak earlier in the year of green hair algae. It will continue to keep growing unless you get rid of all of it. The first thing you need to do is only run your lights for about 6 hours a day. This way it will not contribute to the algae growth. Also, only feed your fish a little bit every 2-3 days. Your fish will not starve...believe me they will find food leftover in the tank. Then you will want to do a big water change!! Before you do the water change you will want to take any rocks you have in your tank and take a toothbrush to them and brush off the hair algae. Be careful to get all of the algae, because if you miss just the tiniest bit, it will grow back again! There will probably be a little green hair algae that you can't see to scrape off....but if you have a good clean up crew, then they will feast on the rest. If you don't have a clean up crew then I suggest getting one soon! For a 90 gallon tank I would suggest 1 turbo snail for every 2 gallons, a few emerald crabs, some red leg hermits, and some blue leg hermits. Also, do you have a protein skimmer? If not, I would seriously think about getting one. HTH and if you have any questions just let me know! My email address is jmc904@cs.com