Hows my stocklist?


Active Member
I have been trying to put together a stocklist that I really like before I get my tank and this is what I have come up with so far:
2 percula clowns
pearly jawfish
mimic tang
purple tang
pennant fairy wrasse
bicolor angel
engineer goby
green mandarin
The tank will be a 125 gallon reef. Do I have room for any more fish? If so anyone have any reccomendations? I want a fish that cleans the sandbed like a diamond goby, but have read that diamond gobys sometimes eat all of your pods and I cant have that if I am going to have a green mandarin. I would also like to know what order to add these fish in. I know that the mandarin needs a very mature tank. Any suggestions will be great.


Active Member
I think you could add a few more fish. it's likely that the engineer goby will harrass the mandarin and possibly the jawfish. also, jawfish do better in groups than alone.


Active Member
I was having some second thoughts about the engineer goby. Are they aggressive? I have also done a lot of research on jawfish and have read that only one should be kept per tank. Even in the wild they build their burrows sometimes 10 feet away from eachother. What other fish would you guys reccomend?


Active Member
Will green chromis school with blue chromis or will they only school with their own kind? Also how many will I be able to fit in the tank? Will 2 of each work?


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I have heard from people that their bicolor angels and pick and corals and some dont. I am willing to take that chance. Is there any particular coral they pick at the most?
I have heard a lot that mandarins need a well established tank and lots of pods and are difficult to keep. Might wanna wait on that one. I also am thinking about chromis. my tank is less than half that size, so I might get three or five, but I read that blue and green might school. A lot depends on size, number, and if they are all put in at once. Also, what else is in there and plenty of room. I would say you are clear for take off.


Looks like a great stock list to me. The Bicolor is likely to nip though so maybe consider swapping that with a nice Foxface or some other Rabbitfish???


Active Member
I was thinking about an anthias and also a foxface. I really do not want to give up the bicolor angel though. The colors are just amazing. Any anthias suggestions?


Active Member
there are some really beautiful anthias, but some are tougher than others. you need to have a QT tank for all of them and feed the tank every 48 a little bit hours and leave the room and watch from like 30' away until he comes out to eat. and feed a variety of foods to see what entices him. once they start eating, they will slowly get more and more used to you and then be first in line for food everytime, eating anything you offer! If i could pick another anthias i would get a sun burst / or fat head because they stay small and have awesome colorations. stay away from the purple queens as they tend to just do poorly. Pink squares are likely the hardiest , but they can get 5.5 - 6" and maybe 1/20 of them can get a bold attitude. mine --- changed from male to female , i am not sure why. the other one i personally would look into is the Ventralis - i think it is absolutely stunning:


I have an engineer goby, he is only aggressive to my snails. He does like his own territory though. I often forget that I have him because he hides all day and only comes out at night. The only real problem I've had with him is that he knocks stuff over constantly since he is always digging and building up the sand. I don't know if all engineer gobies are as docile as mine though. I have him in with another goby (a diamond) and they get along just fine.
Good Luck!