Hows my tank?


Well I finally got my first fish today! I acclimated him for about 2 hours and he has found him self a nice rock to hide behind. I wanted to add some coral here in the next couple of weeks and I was wondering what was the ultimate beginners coral? Thanks for the help here are some pics!



Looks good! Zoos and shrooms are pretty easy and will do well under your lighting. Do you have a clean up crew yet? I saw your one snail on the glass there, but anything else?
Btw, your clown might not eat for a day or so, but s/he will come around


Yeah I have 2 turbos and two blue legged hermits!(Is that enough?) I am thinking about adding a shrimp before my last fish. I got the little guy for a good deal too only $9. He is also going around biting on the algea around the rocks right now. SIgn that he ay be ready to eat tonight?


Active Member
Your tank is looking very good. Everything looks clean.
If it were me, I would go to the LFS and get some more cured live rock for the tank. It will fill the tank out a little bit, and add more places you can put corals and hiding places for your fish.
As far as first coral, a mushroom or polyp rock will do great.


I was thinking of some more live rock as well. When I go to get more should I ask that they keep the rock in water and then add it directly to my tank? Or should I set a bucket up and cure it for a wk or too? Thanks for the compliments!


Active Member
If I were you, I wouldn't trust anything the LFS says about the rock 100%.
That stuff gets shipped to them moist, but not submerged, so depending on how long they've had it, it will need curing.
Ask them how long they've had it.
If they say it's fully cured or that they've had it for a couple weeks or more, I'd put it in a heated bucket with a powerhead, full of aged, premixed seawater. Do an ammonia test after 24 hours... if it reads 0.0, you should be okay to add it.
If they say it's uncured or they've had it for only a short time, fully cure it before using it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fenrir
I was thinking of some more live rock as well. When I go to get more should I ask that they keep the rock in water and then add it directly to my tank? Or should I set a bucket up and cure it for a wk or too? Thanks for the compliments!
The only rock that I would add directly to my tank from an LFS would be the rock that is in the coral tanks. If they will sell you a few pieces of that rock, you can put that stuff right in your tank. Otherwise, anything else you are going to have to cure in a separate bucket.


They rock they have there is really good and is also a really nice store. It's called aquarium adevnture. They have huge tanks filled with these rocks and there all pretty well covered with algea. The rock I have in my tank now is litterlay coverd in purple coraline and I am also seeing a lot of this neon green growth on my rocks as well. But I think I will let it sit in a heated bucket for a day or too and see how it effects the water.


Also I bought enriched brine shrimp to feed my new little guy. Will that be enough or should I mix with some other type of food?


I feed my clown formula 1 pellets, mysid shrimp with , formula 1 frozen with selcon. I think variety is important for a health fish. My guy eats like a pig and has plumped up nicely.


Ok cool I will go and see all what he likes. I was looking at some of the mushroom corals mostly this one (Mushroom Polyp - Green Ricordea) and was wondering if this would go good with a clown. Also since it stings apparently, how do I get the thing in the tank?

aztec reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by Fenrir
Ok cool I will go and see all what he likes. I was looking at some of the mushroom corals mostly this one (Mushroom Polyp - Green Ricordea) and was wondering if this would go good with a clown. Also since it stings apparently, how do I get the thing in the tank?
they should be fine. as far as i know i don't think they sting.correct me if i'm wrong...


Alright I am a little woried here. My clown that I have added had swam up and down the back of my tank all day, and it is now 5 in the morning here(I can never sleep) and he is staying near the top of my tank in the back corner. He is still moving and not just leaning but I am not sure if this is normal for a new fish in a tank. I am use to my tropical fresh tank with the fish acting perfectly fine once added. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fenrir
Alright I am a little woried here. My clown that I have added had swam up and down the back of my tank all day, and it is now 5 in the morning here(I can never sleep) and he is staying near the top of my tank in the back corner. He is still moving and not just leaning but I am not sure if this is normal for a new fish in a tank. I am use to my tropical fresh tank with the fish acting perfectly fine once added. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
My clown does pretty much the same thing at night; he likes to hang out around the heater. That's just where he's choosen to hang out during the night. I had another clown that did the same thing for 10 years, so I don't think I'd worry.


Active Member
The cornered clown isn't a problem....I added my first fish and clown 2 weeks ago and he stayed in the corner 24/7. It almost seemed like he was enjoying his reflection as a friend. I added a second clown and now they are out and about all day but still stay in the corner at night.
I know it was quick to add a second fish, but I wanted a second clown (his brother actually) of similar size without territory issues.


my new clown enjoys sleeping in the top front corner of my aquapod (the rounded part of the glass). he sleeps there every night while my 6-line wrasse sleeps in a whole in my l/r. your clown just found a place he likes to sleep at night.


ok thanks for the replies. I feel kind of bad that he swims up and down at his reflection all day. Literally he does it all day until feeding then goes right back. SHould I get aonther clown some time in the next couple of days so they will swim around the tank? And If so do you think I could get away with a small goby if I keep up really well on the water changes every week?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fenrir
ok thanks for the replies. I feel kind of bad that he swims up and down at his reflection all day. Literally he does it all day until feeding then goes right back. SHould I get aonther clown some time in the next couple of days so they will swim around the tank? And If so do you think I could get away with a small goby if I keep up really well on the water changes every week?
Fen, I wish I could advise you on the additonial clown and goby. I believe I have the same tank as you and there are different opinions on 3 fish in a 14G. If you are religous about the water changes I think it could be done.
Good luck!


yeah we do have the same tank. What exactly do you have in yours by the way? I just feel bad for him swimming up and down all day.