Hows my water parameters?


Just started this tank about 3 weeks ago, used 50 lbs of living rock from my old tank that was a little over 3 years old, added an additional 40 lbs of living rock. Also used a few scoops of my living sand to mix in with the new living sand. I just adding a clean up crew a few days ago and have 3 fish and 2 anemones, also a brittle starfish from my old tank. Everything is doing fine. I want to start adding some soft corals. Is there any improvements needed with my parameters? Thanks for any help
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 10
PH - 8.2
DKH - 10
Phosphate - 0
Calcium - 420
Salinity - 1.025
Temp -78, gets up to about 80.5 with lights on for 6 hrs, I started out with 5 hrs, just moved them to 6 hrs this week, will eventually be up to 8 hrs in 2 weeks, lights are 400 watt MH, reefstar by hamilton, 14000k bulb. I removed the glass top and have a powerhead agitating the surface. It does warm the water about 2.5 degrees but it takes 5 hrs to do this then it levels out, takes all night for it to get back down to 78, is this a problem?


Active Member

To stablelize your temp I'd up your heater to 80 degrees. Then it sould stop fluctionating(?).
What size tank?
Water looks good, but I think you are going a little fast. Just let things get use to being in there. It's best to only add one thing at a time and let there be 2-3 weeks inbetween.
Soft coral is usually easy but make sure your tank is stabilized with what is in it a few weeks. Then maybe try some mushrooms or leathers. With MH you should light acclimate them unless they are coming out of a tank that has new MH in it. Better safe then sorry though.


Originally Posted by mcbdz

To stablelize your temp I'd up your heater to 80 degrees. Then it sould stop fluctionating(?).
What size tank?
Water looks good, but I think you are going a little fast. Just let things get use to being in there. It's best to only add one thing at a time and let there be 2-3 weeks inbetween.
Soft coral is usually easy but make sure your tank is stabilized with what is in it a few weeks. Then maybe try some mushrooms or leathers. With MH you should light acclimate them unless they are coming out of a tank that has new MH in it. Better safe then sorry though.

Its a 54 gallon corner tank. Ill try the idea of setting the temp up and see how it works. Im not going to add anything for a few more weeks. The only reason I am where Im at now is that I used alot of established live rock and a few scoops of live sand from by old tank. I never had a cycle. Thanks


did you add an ammonia source to the tank like fish foods or something. if not you may be sitting on a time bomb so to speak when you go to add fish later on.


Yes, 1 fish has been in there 2 weeks (watchman goby) along with a few snails and a brittle starfish, all from old tank. Just added clean up crew and 2 clowns a couple days ago and they are doing fine. I used some filter media from old tank also along with 50 lbs of live rock and few scoops of living sand all from old tank. I have atotal of 90 - 100 lbs of live rock, 20 lbs of it in the sump. Thanks