Hows this for a bad day!!!!!!!


Hey all, I new in here just wanted to share my day. I'm on workers comp for hurting my back at work, I'm in rehaeb <spelling, & was expected to be back at work this Fri, so anyway this morrning my wife leaves for work taking out 7yr girl to school, she phones me from her cell phone about 5min after she left, she tells me she had droped off Court(our girl) at school & was sitting in the car (parked) & she gets rearended :mad: !! This person was speeding through a school zone & hit her, I guess she was watching for kids & not cars! at 8:30 in the morrnoing. Looks like the car will be totaled, wife is having neck pains now! Then after my rehab I pick up my girl from school then had to get some RO water for the tank
so we went to the store. When we were leaving a stuiped person
tried to get infront of another car while we & others leaving the store were walking in front of HER car she cuts him of while turning & came stight for me, I pushed the cart with my 2yr old son in it so he would not get hit, & she hit me in the left hip with the side mirror I heard a loud crack & almost fell under the car
she spead off than about 25' later stopped & rolled down her window (I was MAD :mad: :mad: ) I hollerd , are you blind are just stupid!!!!! She drives away I could not chase her , had the kids. I limp back to my truck put all the stuff in I get in to drive off & this nice woman saw it all & wrote down thw L-plate # so I'm at home agin in pain. I phoned the insurance company & then I need to see the cops tommorow!!! Most imporantant my kids are OK
& fish have water, but can't mix it back hurts!!!!! :mad:


whatever you do....DO NOT play the lottery, it would just be a waste of money! No on a serious note I hope your luck improves.


Active Member
Sorry to hear of your misfortune. Since you got the plate # you should have some recourse. Have you ever seen the movie "Office Space" Hang in there, things will improve.
Best regards.


Its just so crazy, I can't belive this all can happen!!!!!! Its just silly! Time for a beer


Active Member
sorry for your troubles....just don't leave home for awhile. Leaving the scene of an accident is a pretty big deal especially after hitting a pedestrian. What happens in Canada?
But your right at least everyone is alive. Some crazy person here blew past a stopped school bus with stop sign out and everything, a poor little 6 year old was crossing the street and got killed, just because this person didn't want to slow down and yeild to the slower bus. Then he LEFT the scene!! :scared:


OMG I can even think what it would be like to loose your kid, its just so stuiped someone in a hurry & destroy a life & a family!!!! I know whats happend to us is just silly but at least everyone is still kicken
I just cant belive the luck. These people that speed pass school buses & school zones cant have kids, because when you do you know how important life is & how needing to protect the young is most important!!! They will run the world one day & take care of us.


Active Member
hopefully that catch the

and her insurance company pays for some nice corals for you tank!
Hope you get better and especially hope you have better luck in the future.
Im happy your kid is ok!


I saw my doc today & he reproduced my pain & now Im in some crazy pain
& I am off for at least three more weeks for a total of at 5! Then I have surgery in May I was to go in on Monday for it but I cant now!! I will be off for 2 weeks for the surgery, oh yea my wifes car is totaled, now I have to pull out my car ( :joy: its a GTP) & insure it. The person that hit me may get charged its up to the cops but her insurance is paying for my rehab & my lost wages
but my boss wont be happy, haven't told him yet, I have to see him tomorrow. I get my fishys tomorrow :cheer: (I hope) with my luck Ill trip leaving the store & choke on the bags
I think Ill send my wife
Im lucky to have what I have I thope most of us can say that. I stll have my wife & kids


hifi, not sure if the motor vehicle title is different in canand, but: if the cops dont charge her, probly will, you can sign charges yourself. we do this all the time at work for less serious incidents. just make sure you can positively identify her, vehicle, incident, witnesses, ect... in nj its loss of license for at least a year, with injury it could be longer! good luck, feel better


Active Member
Not sure about the laws in Canada but if she stopped they may not charge her with anything other than maybe failure to yeild to a pedestrian. I sure wouldn't let her off with just having insurace pay wages and meds. You were looking forward to going back to work, your kid was endangered and you were hurt. I would nail them for pain and suffering and anything else you can think of just to jack the idiots rates up.