How's this lineup?


I'm setting up a 90g 4' reef tank. The first resident will be a flame angel I have in a smaller tank. After that here are some of the fish I'm considering to add over time:
yellow tang
fairy wrasse
midas blennie
yellow longnosed butterfly
snowflake eel
bartlett's anthias
Wondering if folks this is too many creatures or if they see incompatibility issues coming up.


not sure if this is completely true, but i would like to know, i think tangs have to have a 6 foot tank:notsure: :confused:


the flame is actually something of a diplomat in my smaller tank, kind of managing the other fish's relationships. I don't think he'll be a problem as long as I don't put any timid fish in the tank who'll hide at feeding time.
It's the clowns and damsels which I've found to be abusive, which is why I'm not sure any are going in this new tank.


Here's what Scott Michael's "Marine Fishes" says about the yellow longnose butterfly:
"In most cases, these fish seem to ignore corals, but they have been reported to feed on stony and soft coral polyps in the wild. Will also eat tubeworms and nip at sea urchin tube feet."
That seems like a marginal risk. Not all the angels and butterflies are the same.
Since I already have a 55g reef, anybody who gets picked on in this new tank can be moved there I suppose. This will be something closer to a FOWLR but with reef quality water and some inverts, soft corals, a rose anemone, etc.