HPS light?


I was whanting to know if it would hurt to use a 400w HPS light that I have laying around for about a week untill my new 250w MH comes in the mail. I am whanting to bring a sebe anennome back to good health (he is a little bleached). Thank you. P.S. my tanks is a 36"x12"x20", a 46 bow.


Well I hooked up the HPS to see what it would look like, and it has a real orange-yellow spectrum. Will that hurt my anemone. It is so bright I will have to run it at night when we are asleep and cover the tank during the day. it will be only for the next week till I get the new light. I was thinking of only useing the HPS for a few hours cuz it seems so intence, I don't whant to fry him, lol. Any ideas if it will be bad for my system, it has to be better then 2x30w 50/50 floresants.


Active Member
As long as the light is acclimated to the tank properly, I don't think it would cause any harm to the anemone. Though the spectrum that HPS bulbs put out could lead to some nasty algae blooms.