HQI & Mogul setup

fish head

Has anyone installed this setup, side-by-side; in the same tank?
--- Ushio 10,000K/400Watt, HQI double ended bulb
--- Iwaski 6,500K/250Watt, Mogul bulb
Does it look ok, or out of place? Would the contrast be too much, or would they blend?
Are the HQI double ended bulbs and ballast worth the extra $$? I hear that the bulbs are twice the cash but last twice as long.

fish head

You must be correct. I thought HQI was a double ended bulb. I did a search on the net and came up with this definition:
HQI = Metal Halide Lamps with a high CRI and/or European DE and some SE lamps

david s

I run de bulbs now and yes they are worth the exrta IMO. I bit the bullet after going to a seminar with my reef club on lighting and you get more bang for the watt dont ask me how he explained it I know a watt is a watt and I will probubly get slamed for this 1 hehe. BUT I can tell you my 250"s make my livingroom like a airport compared to my old mogal base lol