Hudini Anemone


I used to have a huge condy anemone in my 75 gallon tank and it just disapeared one day! It didn't get sucked up into a filter and it isn't on the floor of my living room. The only thing I can think that happened is my brittle star ate it. Right now there is only a powder blue tang and the brittle star in the tank and I have had troubles in the past with the star eating gobies and hermit crabs. Is it possible that it ate an entire condy anemone about 2X it's size?


chances are the condi shriveled up and retreated into the rock. i had two do that at the same time. they were as big as softballs and the the shriveled down and fit into a space the size of a ping-pong ball. dont be surprised if yours did the same. i doubt the star took it out.