HUGE Bubble Tip Anemone -Problem?????


Yesterday I received a Bubble Tip Anemone (Large) for my 125g......I order the large size because the site said it would be about 6".......well......IT'S HUGE...... this thing is almost a foot!!!!!!!! I'm affraid its gonna take over my tank and this a legitamate concern??????? I'm at work right now so I cant take a pic........I will do so as soon as I get home............My marroon clown absolutly loves it but theres other living things in the tank the I need to care for also.............thanks


Wouldn't a BTA of that size split soon? If it does then you can just take one out. I would locate your other livestock around it and just enjoy it. Sounds pretty sweet. What color is it?


Originally Posted by emm0909
Wouldn't a BTA of that size split soon? If it does then you can just take one out. I would locate your other livestock around it and just enjoy it. Sounds pretty sweet. What color is it?
It really is cool !!!!!!!!!!!! It just made me a little nervous...I invisioned in wrapping its self over all my corals and having them for lunch...ha ( I think I'm thinking it was an octopus!
)......It was brownish yesterday when I put it in my tank (currently it doesnt look like the the bubble tip in the pic for the site I bought it from at all)...... but this morning it seemed to be a little more green.......I think the colors will come out once its settled.......does that make sense?????


Active Member
It definatly wont eat your corals although it could smother them and sting them if it gets close. Keep an eye on it, IMO a 125 is big enough to house it however what type of lighting is it under? If your prepared to observe your tank for a while make sure it finds a spot to settle into comfortably and you have the proper set up for it. I think you will be fine IMO, and it could very well split soon or not.


Active Member
it may or may not split, there is no way to tell. there are some possible ways to help it along but they are ethically questionable from what i understand. an anenome IMO is not a great critter for a reef tank. they move around when and where they want, and often somewhat avoiding corals, but they dont really care if their tentacles happen to slap around whatever is close to them, usually causing death by annoyance (slight sting) , and bigger ones, death by light starvation. i just got rid of a big BTA from my reef for these reasons.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
It definatly wont eat your corals although it could smother them and sting them if it gets close. Keep an eye on it, IMO a 125 is big enough to house it however what type of lighting is it under? If your prepared to observe your tank for a while make sure it finds a spot to settle into comfortably and you have the proper set up for it. I think you will be fine IMO, and it could very well split soon or not.
right now Im running a coralife dlx unit with 4 96w vho's...........I'm upgrading to MH's within the month though. my current setup gives my approx 3 watts per new setup will bump it up to approx 6 watts per gallon


Active Member
Unfortunatly your method of measure is inacurate. Watts per gal typically cannot be used to determine weather or not your lighting is sufficient to house certain species with high light requirements. Intensity in your bulbs is what you are looking for. T-5's are more intense than PC's as an example 100 watts of each on a 50 gal tank will equal 2 watts per gal however the t-5s would be more intense so the watts per gal rule is squashed. Also depth of your tank is important as the light needs to reach the bottom of the tank. You said MH lights @ 6 watts per gal? So you are getting 3 250watt mh lights? I am not familiar with the intensity of MH lighting on a tank that size but I think you will be good.


Active Member
Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Unfortunatly your method of measure is inacurate. Watts per gal typically cannot be used to determine weather or not your lighting is sufficient to house certain species with high light requirements. Intensity in your bulbs is what you are looking for. T-5's are more intense than PC's as an example 100 watts of each on a 50 gal tank will equal 2 watts per gal however the t-5s would be more intense so the watts per gal rule is squashed. Also depth of your tank is important as the light needs to reach the bottom of the tank. You said MH lights @ 6 watts per gal? So you are getting 3 250watt mh lights? I am not familiar with the intensity of MH lighting on a tank that size but I think you will be good.
So, so right, I couldn't commend you more. For a 125G tank (same as mine), a 250W MH will, how do you say, light the freakin' neighborhood? I would suggest going with 4 instead of 3 bulbs to totally eliminate dark areas, but point being, your anemone will be quite luminous. The depth of the tank will be of no concern really, I keep clams on the sandbed, no stretched shells and they grow like wildfire. And oh so pretty :) I even have 14K bulbs, so my PAR is naturally reduced, still no trouble.


Originally Posted by PerfectDark
Unfortunatly your method of measure is inacurate. Watts per gal typically cannot be used to determine weather or not your lighting is sufficient to house certain species with high light requirements. Intensity in your bulbs is what you are looking for. T-5's are more intense than PC's as an example 100 watts of each on a 50 gal tank will equal 2 watts per gal however the t-5s would be more intense so the watts per gal rule is squashed. Also depth of your tank is important as the light needs to reach the bottom of the tank. You said MH lights @ 6 watts per gal? So you are getting 3 250watt mh lights? I am not familiar with the intensity of MH lighting on a tank that size but I think you will be good.
3 125w HQI MH's & 4 96w Compact Fluorescent Actinics............My tank is only 24" deep..............thanks for the input........


Active Member
125W? Hmm, I would upgrade that, the increased wattage improves penetration. The Aqua Medic I bought ran me $1,500, but it has 4 250W bulbs. Is there any way you can see this light in action before you buy?