Huge Hammer


My Anchor Hammer is out of control! Can he get much bigger? The pic with the tape measure for reference makes it almost look smaller. It is about 7inches across by 8 inches tall. Can you frag an Anchor Hammer? Just curious.



What a gorgeous hammer!
How long have you had it and what size was it when you got it? I know it takes up a lot of space, but it seems a shame to frag it. Why don't you sell it to someone with larger tank and buy yourself a smaller one?


Active Member
The tank looks great!! and that hammer is awesome!!
It is possible to frag anchor hammers but it is not easy... I wouldn't recommend it unless you're willing to take a chance of loosing the coral. Problem is... my understanding of it is... to frag it you cut the hard base but you do not cut into the flesh. After the base is cut you put one half about 1/4" lower than the other half. Over time you increase the distance until they grow apart. Seems to me there is a lot that can go wrong.


Hurt, yes it is a mixed reef. I have SPS, LPS, softies and zoos. The tank pic is about 3/4 of the tank. I just set up a 20g for my wife who wants LPS and softies. My tank has too much flow for most LPS. I am going to make it mostly SPS and clams. I have 4 clams right now and love em.
Nomad, I have had the hammer about 3 1/2 months. And it has doubled or tripled in size! Yeah I was thinking about trading it in at the LFS for credit, but I love the thing, it is just too big.
Reefnut, thanks for the compliment, the tank is progressing well with few setbacks. Not even going to try to frag it after that info! I have looked on-line for a Bottlebrush Acro and have not found any that come close to the color you have. But I have found some really nice ones. Going to add a few more in the next few weeks.


Fishamajig the thing is OOC! (out of control)
I love the bugger and will be hard to get rid of if I do. If he gets much bigger going to have to find him a new home.

Here is anoher shot of the monster!
