
I need some advice here:
I had just added a 30g sump to my 55g tank and the owner from the LFS which I had been going to was nice enough to come over to my place and give me a hand with draining and moving my tank and placing the sump in the stand.
NOW, here is the bad part, I had a 5g QT set up which had been treated with coppersafe that I had just taken the treated fish out of that morning. When we were done hooking everything up and getting ready to add more water to the tank, the LFS owner dumps the QT water into my display tank already knowing that it has copper in it and that my display tank has live rock in it. I almost passed out but he seemed to think he did nothing wrong.
I have chemi-pure and carbon in my emperor 400 running now and also did a 15% water change along with adding water for the sump to hopefully remove any of the copper in the water but i am also hoping it didn't get into my CC and rocks.
Any help and insight would be appreciated:help: :help:


Active Member
I think that you are taking all the necessary steps here. Keep doing what you are doing and hopefully it wont be that bad. 5 gallons of water into a 55+ gallon display/sump set-up is not that bad.
I also think you need to find a new LFS if he thought it would be fine to add copper to a tank.


Oh... My... Goodness, I'm curious, how much live rock did you actually have, and did you buy it from him?? I ask because I have the devious mind... (take it back, ask to trade... the spouse don't like the shape etc.). Do you have a copper test kit?


I only have about 30 lbs. of LR in the tank and unfortunately I didn't buy it from him. I'm hoping that the small amount of copper treated water (proably more realistic to say 4g) mixed with the 55+ of the tank and sump would be so diluted that it would be easily removed and not cause the LR any harm. I put a carbon filter in the QT during the last week of treatment( a few days before it got dumped into my display) so hopefully there was barely any left.
Also, can i just use a copper test kit of do I need a different one since it was chelated?


When your ready to add creatures, I'd start with only one snail... It sounds cruel, but it's better than purchasing an entire cleaning crew to find out that you still had copper. I don't know the answer to the test kit question. With that in mind though, now that you know the lfs guy is unaware of the threat this poses, if you ever DO buy fish from him MAKE ABSOLUTELY SURE that none of the water from his tank ends up in your tank!!


Thanks for all the help, I will be watching my tank closely and also looking for another FS whose owner doesn't like to kill LR.